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Proper etiquette skills are a must

Proper Etiquette principles helps to discern how to treat others respectfully and appropriately during social and business interactions. Mastering proper dining etiquette skills will effectively build  confidence and help the dining experience run smoothly, and enjoyably for all. 

​Social Etiquette: Etiquette is the socially acceptable way we focus on how individuals should behave in social situations. For example: social gatherings, being a good host, a polite guest, and sending or responding to invitations.


Dining Etiquette: knowing and practicing proper table manners, placement and usage of table utensils, and proper table settings are essential in dining with others whether at home or in public.  Proper etiquette skills builds confidence, helps the dining experience run smoothly, reduces accidents and curtails embarrassment.


Children’s Etiquette: Involves teaching the rules of good behavior to children ranging from preschoolers to high school.   Topics may include proper social behavior in public, at home, addressing adults, table manners, and introducing friends.

Try Our Quick "Test Your Knowledge" Quiz:


Look at the picture on the left and answer the following questions:


  • Do you know which glass is yours?

  • Are you confused about which fork you should use?

  • Do you know what the two table utensils placed above the plate are used For?


If it took you more than 10 seconds to answer these questions you will be interested in signing up for the Dine with Finesse or Introduction to Social Graces trainings and Tutorials.


You will learn the practical and sensible rules of the table and other social graces skills and gain self-confidence and a sense of comfort in business and social situations.


Complete our "Getting Started" form to participate in our next group session or to schedule a private one on session.


Dear Sylva-

My daughter has loved your social graces class and like to thank you for your thoughtfulness and creativity.  We appreciate all of the very important lessons you have taught her.  She has struggled quite a lot this year and has been bullied and excluded by her girl classmates.  It has made her very sad and feeling down.  Thank you for being such a positive influence and wonderful role model for her. It’s made her happy and has given her confidence. 

We hope you teach more classes. 4th grade Parent​

Dear Mrs Montgomery-

Thank you so much for your amazing class.  You have taught me so much.  I used to have terrible table manners[SM1] [SM2]  and now my parents are really impressed.  I also learned how to address people and be polite.  I love that you gave us snacks They were so delicious.  I really loved those apple cinnamene thingies. I wished you had more classes because I loved them so much.

Thank you, Thank you. Miss A​



#1 Dining With Finesse - Adults 

The tutorials provide step by step instructions on the dining process in home or in public. 


  • focuses on the basic rules of the table and proper placement and usage of tableware.

  • rules and guidelines on how individuals should behave and treat each other with respect in social situations. 

  • How to handle food ordering, gratuity and bill settlement.

  • Do’s and don'ts on sending and responding to invitations.


#2 Etiquette Training for Youth:

Recognizing the need for direction in social manners amongst our youth we have developed 2 age-appropriate social graces programs. 


  • The “INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL GRACES” for youth   ages  8 -17​​


This program was developed specifically for teaching parents along with their children. 


Children and parents will learn basic manners and etiquette skills, including proper social behavior in public, at home, at school, addressing adults, table manners, and being introduced to someone new for the first time.

image presentation for Mary Kay customer
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Dear Mrs. Montgomery-

I really  enjoyed what you did for us.

Things I really enjoyed were learning about self-esteem, posture practice, and bonding. the manicure and tea lesson were especially awesome.  I really liked it when Mylaan and her friend came for snack time to steal our cookies.  At the beginning of the year I was doubtful about the class because my friends didn’t want to take it, but now I am enjoying the class  and choosing to take it next year because I have learned so much and it was fun.  They didn’t know what they were missing.  Last I want to say Thank you so much. You’ve changed my life! Love Miss O  5th grade

A total best image is not only the way you look but also the way you behave.

If you feel you could benefit from learning more about the various social graces, we are here to help!  We frequently hold social graces workshops for all interested.


Please take a moment to visit our Workshops & Demonstrations page!


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